Community Outreach
Since the inception of GAOS, we have been extending our helping hand in terms of identifying the needy people and vulnerable children in rural areas. The problem we see happening in the communities we serve is not different from the challenges children in rural areas face. Hence, we saw it fit to provide care and support to children in rural areas. In many cases, GAOS has been exposed and confronted by traumatic incidences that orphaned and other children in the target communities have had to live with in silence as a result of either threats from immediate parents, guardians or neighbours or circumstances triggered by the immediate living conditions of which many such cases have forced GAOS to involve the police or traditional courts known as Kgotla’s to help secure a safety net for the affected children. Such incidences as physical and verbal abuse, rape, manipulation through engaging children hard labour or risk errand sand destructive behaviour of alcohol and drugs selling, prostitution, stealing and sometimes situations where children are aimlessly left alone to play in visibly dangerous environments with broken beer bottles, used condoms, ranging or abandoned structures and equipments etc.
Besides there were many cases of children whose rate of school attendance had been terribly affected or in some case completely stopped going to school due to the new responsibilities bestowed upon them by the circumstances by which they live in, especially when providing nursing care to their sickly parent or guardian at the brink of death due to the glaring effects of HIV/AIDS, dangerously exposing the inexperienced child to the risk of infection as a result of ignorance or bare lack of capacity to handle the critical nature of the sickly one.
It’s even noted in the OVCs national situational analysis report that among OVCs aged 13-17 years 14.8% of the males and 24% of the females were not currently at school. Some of the reasons given for not being at school were likely related to lack of parental support and guidance.
Many children in rural areas continue to benefit greatly from our psychosocial support, moral support and food, educational books, blankets, clothes, toys donations.
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